Mary’s Well: Gabriel Announcing the Annunciation

Mary’s Well (or the Fountain of the Virgin) is reputed to be at the site where, according to a Christian tradition associated with the apocryphal Gospel of James, Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of Jesus, and announced the Annunciation.

Mary'S Well Nazareth


Mary’s Well is situated near the renowned “Church of the Annunciation”.  It is situated just below the Greek Orthodox Church of St Gabriel.

Biblical context

According to the apocryphal Gospel of James, it was at this very site that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, announcing that she would bear the Son of God, an event celebrated as the Annunciation.

And she took the pitcher and went forth to draw water, and behold, a voice said: ‘Hail Mary, full of grace, you are blessed among women.

Protoevangelium of James


Another apocryphal text, the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, paints a vivid picture of a young Jesus at the well. It narrates how Jesus broke the jar meant to carry water but miraculously held the water in his mantle.

Destination 1
Destination 2
Destination 3
The Virgin Mary'S Fountain Nazareth

Mary's Well Today

The well had been used through out the ages, but it has been dry since the 1990s. The water at is tunneled by pipes to the well. Sadly, the well isn’t maintained well and is not always clean. Mary’s Well has been rebuilt twice in the 20th century:

1967 Renovation: The first reconstruction took place in 1967. 

2000 Renovation: The well underwent another significant renovation in 2000. This reconstruction aimed to restore the well to make it more accessible to the increasing number of pilgrims and tourists visiting Nazareth. 

Nearby Sites

  • The Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation: Just above the fountain, this church is dedicated to the angel Gabriel and boasts stunning architecture.
  • Basilica of the Annunciation: A marvel of modern religious architecture, this basilica is believed to stand on the home of Mary.
  • Nazareth Village: Experience life as it was during the time of Jesus. It is open-air museum.
  • The Synagogue Church: This church is believed to be the very place where Jesus read the scriptures to the local community. From here Jesus escaped to Mount Precipice.
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