
Domus Galilaeae

Domus Galilaeae

Domus Galilaeae, or the “House of Galilee” in English, is a Christian meeting place located on the peak of the Mount of Beatitudes, north of Capernaum and overlooking the Sea of Galilee in Israel.


Hippos (Sussita)

Above the Sea of Galilee, the ancient city of Hippos-Sussita stands as a proud grandeur of civilizations past. With its rich Hellenistic and Roman history, this recently opened archaeological site offers you a journey through time, revealing tales of power and artistry.

Tel Hazor Canannite Palace

National Park Tel Hazor

Hazor (Hazor National Park) is a UNESCO World Heritage site that has a rich history and is mentioned many times in the Bible. At Hazor where every stone has a story to tell, where every path leads you to a secret waiting to be unveiled. 

Mary'S Well Nazareth

Mary’s Well, Nazareth

Mary’s Well (or the Virgin Mary’s Fountain) is reputed to be at the site where, according to a Christian tradition associated with the apocryphal Gospel of James, Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of Jesus, and announced the Annunciation.

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